Written by Rod Bland on Sep. 30th 2021 - 3 min

Creating a Facebook lookalike audience is a great way to get cold traffic from people who haven’t heard of your business. But if you really want to see results, you must make sure it’s being done correctly. Here’s how to get started!

Written by Rod Bland on Dec. 12th 2020 - 3 min

You know that your website stinks – its just a question of degree. So says Tim Ash, the bestselling author of Landing Page Optimization. He should know too, as he's been consulting to Fortune 500 companies all over the world on how to improve their landing pages for the past 15 years. I met Tim at a retail conference many years ago and he agreed to participate in a webinar...

Written by Rod Bland on Aug. 26th 2020 - 3 min

Advertising in and of itself does not create mass desire in a market. As Eugene Schwartz so eloquently put it in his book Breakthrough Advertising: "the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the....
Written by Rod Bland on Aug. 17th 2020 - 2 min
The success of any Facebook advertising campaign is going to depend 95% on the work that is done OUTSIDE of the Ad Manager, and 5% of the work that is done INSIDE the....
Written by Rod Bland on Aug. 8th 2020 - 3 min
Who can forget these iconic Charles Atlas advertisements, which appeared in a form similar to this from the 1930s onwards? I remember these from the back of Archie comics more than I do the contents inside....
Written by Rod Bland on Jul. 29th 2020 - 3 min
Few people were more vocal about the superiority of direct response marketing over more general methods than the "Father of advertising", David Ogilvy, and his success as a marketer is impossible to ignore.  
Starting with just $6000 in his bank account in 1949, the Ogilvy group was purchased for US$864 million in......
Written by Rod Bland on July 4th 2020 - 3 min
If there is one thing that I encourage you to do, whether you have a role in marketing within a larger organisation, or work in the esteemed profession of freelance marketing or copywriting, it is to meticulously measure the ROI (return on investment) from your advertising campaigns...

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